Category Archives: Video

Forever Day

This song is currently 21st on the Canadian iTunes charts. It’s already beating songs by Adele, Rhianna, and Snoop Dogg. The money it makes between 18th (today) and Christmas is going to World Vision so let’s try to push it to number 1.

Buy the song at:

Danse Macabre

There’s also Toccata and Fugue in D minor, but that’s sort of cliche.

Sherlock Who

I was going to make a post about little trees, but look what I just found! Two of Moffat’s shows mashed up into a mock advert! YouTube is awesome.


Hey everybody!

When you read this I will be in the middle of what is hopefully a not-to-busy- shift at work. Here’s a video for both my readers who read and my readers who do math. It’s of John Green talking about the Hard/Soft Scale of Education.

(I think I’ve become a news aggregate…)


Today I successfully woke up at 6am.

I was surprised because I had stacked the deck against myself. I had left the window open (so it would be cold and I might want to stay in the warm bed), and slept at 11pm rather than the 1030pm I had planned. Also, when I woke up I (deliberately and with a clear head) decided to go back to sleep till 630. Normally when this happens, it happens unintentionally, but seeing as how this was a test run, I wanted to see what the timeline would look like in a worst case scenario.

Also, here’s a pretty epic video that was recommended to me. I had always wanted to see somethng like this and the fact that it exists makes me happy.


I like this song. I know it’s not my usual thing, but I saw it on MTV one day while I was flipping channels. It won (runner up?) for best music video.
The music video won me over.

‘Handlebars’ by Flobots

The 90’s

L Prime

Another YouTube Video!

I realy like the movie Tangled. P didn’t (boo-urns), but I did. I’ll admit I had my doubts when I first walked in, but I really liked it.

I liked the songs, the story…
Y’all should go see it.

Here’s a cover I found of a song from the movie with the lyrics changed. It is also really good.
(The original can be found here.)

Check out the her website. She sings church songs!