Verily, Junk Memoirs – J

J – Jokes
I used to know a lot of jokes. Almost enough to fill five comedians. Not very good ones, but whatever. Back in elementary I was infamous for my vast repertoire of jokes that were either stupid (and not funny), or funny (and stolen). I was also always polite about it. I would always open with “Hey, wanna’ hear a joke”, and most of the time I would tell the joke anyway, depending on how annoyed they sounded. I apparently used this line so much, that when I greet certain people, they pre-emptively shoot the line at me. My audience at the time assumed that I spent my all my free time watching the comedy channel and taking notes. But, this was not the case. All the jokes I told were either funny enough to stick in my memory, or were brought back to my attention by whatever we had been talking about at the time. Also, the only time I can remember actually writing any jokes down, was when I made a list of jokes by special request from a friend when we were going on a field trip in grade nine to a three day camp run by some hippies. I’ve mostly grown up and forgotten most of my ‘A’ material by now, but I still have enough up my sleeve to sufficiently threaten my way out of a couple situations.

-next post May 23 @ 8:oo pm

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