Verily, Junk Memoirs – Z

Z – Zoo
One year when I was around ten years old, my mom signed me up with a day camp for a week in the summer. On one of the days, we went on a field trip to the zoo. Being children, and being in a new environment, and being in the care of people who were not our parents, the leaders got us all to stay as a group. While walking along one of the paths, we walked past one of the fences of what turned out to be the donkey pen. This was obviously not the ‘viewing’ fence as there were bushes, or bamboo, or some such just a foot or two past the fence obscuring the rest of the enclosure. However, a lone donkey managed to find its way to the strip of land between the bushes and the fence. The donkey was standing in such a way that one could see it’s… well… it was a male donkey. I distinctly remember one of the girls in the group asking why it had two tails and then the leader hurrying us away to another part of the zoo.

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