Verily, Junk Memoirs – V

V – Vincent
My name is actually Vincent Justin Mitra, with “Vincent” and “Justin” both being my first names. I had asked my mom about it and she had told me that she had planned it so that I could use Justin as a kid and then, if I wanted to, switch over to Vincent when I got older. For the early years of high school, the attendance listed me as “Vincent Mitra”. I would inform the teacher that I went by “Justin”, and we would continue without a hassle. However, I grew tired of more and more substitute teachers wondering about the lack of homework from a Vincent Mitra, but all this homework from a Justin Mitra. In grade nine I decided to finally go to the office to get it changed. I walked up to the secretary and told her that the attendance listed me as Vincent Justin Mitra and if she could please change it to Justin Mitra, thank you very much. It wasn’t until mid grade twelve that I learned what she actually did was change my name from Vincent Justin Mitra, to Justin Justin Mitra.

-next post May 29 @ 8:oo pm

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